
A mirror may not always tell the truth, but it never lies!

You'll know when love is the real deal, when you cannot even imagine a day without it !

When your heart tells you something is the truth, get a second opinion from your gut!

When you hold on too tightly to the past, you have nothing left to grasp the future.

When art is copied, it feels more like kidnapping than theft!

Some fears are innate...the rest are irrational.


Love is a verb.


Charity is a selfish act...if it makes you feel good to give, keep feeling good!

If people only invest in what they can would have never landed on the moon and Disneyland would never have been built. Take a risk!


Why do so many people preface their Doctor's name with their Race, Nationality, Ethnicity or Religion?

Typically, those who have no vanity...are ugly.

Great Ceiling = Great Food
So the next time you are in a restaurant, check out the ceiling. Chances are, if they spent the time, effort and money to make the ceiling beautiful and tasteful, they probable did the same with the food and service. While it may not always be the case, experience tells me the odds are in your favor. Email your observations to [email protected] it's kinda fun!


Jewelry Buying On The Internet Is Like Going To The Bathroom At Night:

...once you find the seat you feel safe, but getting there can be treacherous!

Buying online can be scary. There are so many websites selling everything you can imagine from places you cannot even imagine. Cyber crooks are out there waiting for you to buy something, and then afterward no longer care about the product or services they sold you. Buyer beware is the name of the game.

Getting short-changed from an Internet purchase can happen to anyone. I myself have been lured by the Internet’s offerings of cheap-priced products and dishonesty. Almost all the Internet purchases I made with only low cost in mind resulted in awful products and services. I eventually made peace with my too-good-to-be-true online purchases, like the cell-phone case I bought: It was a $2.98 phone case with free shipping…why should it have fit properly? This is not to say that all low-cost discounters sell junk – I have actually received some good stuff too. But when you choose to focus on the merchant and the quality of work they produce rather than just cost, you’re a lot less likely to end up unhappy with a purchase.


This is a lesson I’ve learned over the years, sometimes the hard way.

I’m here as an advocate for you in the great unknown of online retailing. I stand behind my work and want customers to feel safe when purchasing products from me. Potential customers often ask me how they can know they can trust that I am the real deal. The answer is simple: seek out testimonials. I find that honest testimonials from actual consumers pave the way for trustworthy purchases and services. I actually love and use Angie’s list simply because of that theory. And, I have to say, it has proven to work for me over and over again. I love you, Angie! The Internet is a great resource. An informed and discerning buyer can purchase some of the world’s finest merchandise and services with terrific value. The Internet doesn’t have to be a scary place.

I have provided consumer testimonials in blogs, on Facebook, in Tweets, on Pinterest and the like, not only to showcase my designs and products but also to give my customers an opportunity to talk about the how happy they are with jewelry from Mark Silverstein Imagines. These testimonials are from people like you who trusted in me to craft unique, quality jewelry and then wanted to tell everyone that you are in good hands at MSI. Some post were even made by my customers without my knowledge, then only later brought to my attention from another potential customer who saw the posting and told me that is how they found me. I truly believe that one happy customer will tell another and another, and one unhappy customer will tell everyone. With the Internet’s unbelievable reach, the reality of ‘spreading the word’ is 1000 fold!!

I have been in the jewelry business since 1978. I have made over 36,000 pieces of jewelry and have bought and sold more than 100,000cts of diamonds (probably much, much more than that…I never really counted) and I cannot recollect an unhappy customer. Not one. Why? Because I do the right thing from the start and stand behind everything I touch and sell. If you buy a diamond from me, it’s from me. Before offering, I personally inspect each stone for qualities way beyond the 4c’s to ensure you are receiving great value, and, just as important…something truly beautiful.

In conclusion (if you made it this far), be extremely cautious when making a purchase on the Internet. Do your homework, ask crazy questions and eventually you will find an advocate out there…if not, call me, as I would love to add you to my growing list of Happy Customers!!

Let’s Talk Soon.

